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Do you feel this desire for change deep within you? Just what exactly and how?

Tell me about what concerns you. Then we grab pens, brushes and paints. Dive in, trust your intuition and creativity. With each piece of paper, it becomes clearer in a playful way what is important to you and how you can best achieve it.

Life has many treasures in store for you. Be curious. You will love it!

Step by step we will walk your creative path together. All the answers to your questions lie here in the space of your heart. Filled with peace, security and love, you recognize what your heart wants to tell you. Feelings and blockages can be released. Freedom and lightness are allowed to grow. Dreams and longings can finally come into the light and be lived.

Using art, music and energy work, I would like to help you heal old heart wounds, let go of old things and come into your power, flow and radiance.


Coaching Session

For more clarity and focus in your life. Now take the creative path to yourself and get to know yourself and your potential in a new way. It's all within you - you just have to allow yourself to do it. Bring yourself into the light and shine!

  • Open your heart: initial meditation or relaxation exercise.

  • Creative heart session: Unfold your artistic inner self and rediscover yourself.

  • What does my heart want to tell me: Joint reflection and final discussion.

  • A little relaxation and heart exercise at the end.

You can book on or write me an email.

Do you want to become one
with your heart?

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